WWE | Virtual Production

MoCo Operator

Diamond View wanted to showcase the capability’s of what a VR studio with MoCo could provide for the WWE. The Demo consisted of a Tap Sync’d background, MoCo, and Lights.

This project is still in Post.

Smack Down Move

This project was a proof of concept for the WWE, the move came out of the director (Daniel Mallek) telling me to “just make something cool“. I did a rough time count of the actors moves to have it ‘Synced’ with everything, ideally this would of been a timecoded show to the background, lights, and MoCo.

I front end mounted the camera to get the most height from the robot, since I was at a disadvantage having everyone 3ft higher already. Since I had the camera front end mounted, my roll axis was unrestricted and as Alvin Renz says “I like dutch” so I did a few 360 rolls.


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